Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Waste disposal

Sometimes I think I should just create a bin that I can throw money in because essentially, that is what I do sometimes. I wanted to play 10-game but realised I had to learn 3 other games before I started; 2-7 triple draw, 2-7 single draw and Badugi. I never got as far as Badugi. I went straight for 2-7 triple draw as it is also linked to single draw and not only did I read the rules but I decided to throw myself in at the deep end. I never throw myself in at he deep end. By this I mean I bypassed the play money and went straight in at 10¢/25¢...baaad idea when you have no idea about strategy of the game in the slightest. I lost all of my $7. However I did have a good run and lasted at least an hour. So then what did I do? Popped another £6.53 ($10) onto my account and sat down at the Courchevel table again, I felt so at home that I took a profit of $20 whilst someone else at the table took a hot $75. Happy endings :).
Got killed in the tweet roll by the way, plus, to be too honest, it was really boring. I hate free rolls because everyone goes all in for about the first hour constantly! It may as well be a lottery!


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