Sunday, 21 April 2013

Washed away

There comes a time in every poker players life where they just cannot win. It doesn't matter what you do, how good your bluff is or how good your hand is and what position you are in, you just cannot see the cash coming your way. This has happened to me on a number of occasions and I fear it is rearing it's ugly head again. I have won a few hands but then when I have had something really good that can be really profitable it has gone in the opposite direction. You get this massive smile on your face because you have the highest two pair, there are no possible straights or flushes, you move all your chips to the centre of the table and they end up on the other side because three of a kind is much better. In fear of losing anything else, I have decided to take drastic action and not play online for a week. Luckily it is EPT Berlin week so I will be filling in my EPT Blog. I didn't finish it for the London leg so hopefully I can try harder this time. Plus I still have my pub game tonight...if it's on.


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