Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Get This Party Started

I thought I'd write a blog on how I did one thing that would change my life forever and brought me to where I am today. This is going to be a bit long winded and kind of like a life story but hey ho let's go! I've had poker pop up in my life a few times before I actually came to understand the rules. There were many times we stayed up late watching whatever game was on TV and then one Christmas Day, my dad bought a poker set and tried to explain the rules to us but no, we just weren't getting it!

I went to Weymouth to study Music Technology with Bournemouth University. I made some awesome friends and had a load of fun. I then made a decision very early on that I was going to do something that I don't believe in and I wouldn't do it again as it was the most diabolical experience of my life. So the one thing that I did was very simple; I went on a dating site. I don't think I've ever told anyone so here it is. I, Antonia Smith, went on a fricking dating site. And people ask me why I don't go on Tinder or POF, well I'm not looking. Someone will find me or I will find them.

So, this dating site. I met a guy called Aaron, we talked every day on MSN. I was 19, so this was 5 years ago and he was 27. I agreed to meet him one day at the William Henry, one of Weymouth's finest Weatherspoons of course! I don't remember the whole evening apart from drinking a lot of Tyskie, but what I do remember was walking along the seafront to meet him and I saw him and almost turned round to go back home. Instead I walked straight into one of those seafront shops that sells lots of touristy stuff. I bought 20 Marlboro Reds, smoked one then got the guts to go and meet him at the bar. After that night, we were inseparable, but he didn't care about me. He'd tell me to come out every night and sometimes leave me by myself, sometimes I'd wake up at his and sit in the back garden with a black coffee thinking about what a shithole this was. I am a complete snob and I knew this wasn't my life yet I was living it. I made a lot of friends through him and finally, after 3 months, I stopped talking to him. My new friend Jess invited me to this metal pub called Finns and it was that night that I met Lee.

I don't know what I ever saw in him, still, to this day. But without him I wouldn't be writing this. He wasn't attractive, but I didn't care, I just liked him. He didn't have a job and made loads of awful racist jokes which he knew I couldn't stand but I still became his girlfriend and it lasted a year and a half until I couldn't put up with his shit anymore. He was the one who taught me how to play poker and got me hooked on zynga. Bloody zynga. I even got an iPhone and played it on there constantly until one day, I decided to sign up to Full Tilt poker.

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