Thursday, 6 March 2014

I admit it, I over did it.

Last night I came to my computer, played Sofia Lovgren's Birthday freeroll on PKR and then retreated to pokerstars for some cash games. I hate cash games. But without cash games my bankroll doesn't go very far. I'm really good at Sit and Gos and find Tournaments the most fun, but no, I'm sitting there with a timer on my phone and 4 cash tables sitting infront of me. I feel dull, so so dull.

Gambling is a form of entertainment which is why you are only to put in an amount of money you have set aside for entertainment. This should go in the same line as when you go out drinking, go to Alton Towers, the cinema, anything that constitutes the idea that your mind is being entertained. So when I'm playing poker and I am unexcited and tired and desperately trying to bring back up the money that I set aside for entertainment and feeling dull about it, does this put me in line with people who have a problem? I like to think not as I haven't scraped up all the money that I have left to feed and clothe myself for this month from the deepest darkest barrells of my bank account. However I'm literally just playing for the sake of it, and that's not fun.

On this tired note, I'm going to take some time off, a week maybe. I will be finishing my VPP mission first as I have less than 10VPPs to make before completing it. It is then that I will take some time to watch some TV, read my book 'The Education of a Modern Poker Player' and I have a subscription to PokerPlayer magazine aswell so I can read that too. I have some writing to do as well and I will blog about how this is going and will go back to the game with a fresh thinking mind.

Read more: I admit it, I over did it. (Toniommi) – Poker School Online: Learn Poker Strategy, Odds and Tells