Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The Deal

Everyone has made their poker goals for 2014 with great explanations of how they're going to get there. Well, I haven't, or hadn't until now. It's no secret that I want to go to a PSLive event this year but I wanted to do it with money I earned online, so I decided to steal an idea. It's an idea That Chris Ferguson once went through with and now xflixx is doing something very similar with his #GrindingitUp feed on twitter and youtube channel. I like this idea. Chris turned nothing into $10,000 starting with freerolls, I'm an odd one, I don't like freerolls. Felix is turning $80 into $8000. PKRs Sofia Lovgren claims that she turned $1 into $5,000 in one year. I deposited $50 a few days ago and I have (later) decided (now with only $33) that I am going to turn that into $5000, I have already dropped down to 5NL. I'm just praying that I can do this. I need more discipline and to keep reading strategy as it is my only hope. But hopefully now I have a goal, I can get something out of it! I'll keep you up to date.

Read more: The Deal... (Toniommi) – Poker School Online: Learn Poker Strategy, Odds and Tells

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Good Starts and Troubled Parts

I began today by reading from the 'Poker Basic Course', I didn't read it all as I know how to play poker, I just don't know HOW to play. Starting from the beginning and going over the tight aggressive play I got all full of myself taking my thoughts elsewhere with 'yeah yeah I know!!'. It became very obvious to me quite soon on that I didn't know. It's been quite some time since I have refreshed myself on the basic rules of position, cards, players and what I should do with all of these things as a collective...besides getting on with it. I took myself down a couple of levels to 2c/5c; as I think any good player should when trying out some new moves. I came to the table with $5.20, looking at my opponents stacks this seemed to be a good amount not to look out of place.

Beginning My Game

I sat with the 'Wait for Big Blind' box ticked, I normally hate this but I thought I would take what I learnt from 'Internet Poker for Dummies' which is to watch the players at your table before making any moves. I sat, I watched, I turned my music on...wait, where does it say that?? I couldn't bare the silence. It finally came round to the big blind and many of the players seemed to have switched out with others and this worried me looking from a new perspective. Real life eh? So I just went with it and there I was sitting with my first shiny golden hand. AKh, pretty little things. I raised only 4BB from the big blind and found a participant from a much earlier position. The flop drew a K, my new friend checked and I placed another 20 cents down on the table, a pause followed then a call, the turn drew a card insignificant to myself. No straights, no flushes, they check, I bet half the pot and my happy little caller friends shys away and there I am realising this could work out quite alright.


The game is going well, I have $8.44, I did have just over $9 from collecting pocket rockets then had to spend a few moments sitting and staring at the board still paying much attention to the fact that many players don't seem to want to watch me keep going and head for the door, but no matter, many new players are up for a game. I seemed to have acquired 2 new players to sit next to after having no one sit either side of me for quite sometime. I can't possibly smell online can I?

To my right I have Mr 'I like to slow play every hand I have no matter how good' and to my left I have Mrs 'You are no match for me, here; have all my chips'. All this put me on my A-game.

The End of the Road

I made it up to a colossal $16 which I decided to dispose off of course when my AK saw the flop of A 6 Q, I liked this too much, I was UTG and my opponent was sitting smug on the button, we went through a reraising battle, the most fun I have had all evening. Eventually on the Turn they went all in to reveal 66 in their hand, nothing I could do could change my fate. I still had $11.07 and I sat on it for just over 5 mins before calling it a day. Wouldn't want to tilt!

What I Did Well and Not So Well

I kept with the tight aggressive structure but I did pull away from it a few times but always returned to bass. I did this because I didn't want the other guys and gals at the my table to have a definite read on me, who would? I made most of my looser plays from the button when there was very little action on the go which worked really well and managed to make my A4 at one point simulate full house Kings full of 8's, not bad. So all in all, a good start. (pun not intended)

5 Years and Counting!

I got myself a account and wrote this as my first blog to give a real introduction to how I started poker, I tried to keep it as brief as I could but interesting plus I like to ramble a lot. ENJOY!

I began playing on Zynga poker 5 years ago, like many I was a uni student, like few I studied music technology. It wasn't my friends who got me gaming, I met a guy, he was very unlike myself and loved to gamble though didn't have his own money. I know, so why did I stick around? He was kind of interesting, though annoying, clingy and my friends hated him. My dad more than anyone, as of these points you can tell the relationship with this boy didn't last long, though he did introduce to my poker and taught me how to play. From this moment all I wanted to do was go on facebook and play more free poker, I'd lose all my free chips and have to wait another day to reload, it was complete madness. It then came to a point where I knew this wasn't enough, I needed more, I needed something to make me really care about what I was putting into each game. Of course there was only one thing for it, real money.

I set myself up a real money account on Full Tilt, I played for the tiniest stakes imaginable and found that everyone played a much smarter game. I was in awe at how we only only playing for just a few cents at a time but there wasn't a player at my table playing every single hand like I did. (My strategy at the time being; play every hand as you may hit something.) Of course people even at the micro stakes really do care about their hard earned cash. I would play the odd Sit and Go, then maybe a micro stakes tournament but mainly 1c/2c cash games. Then the unthinkable happened; Full Tilt Poker was shut down and I didn't know what to do with myself, I couldn't possibly join Pokerstars as I heard the game was much harder with players participating from all countries where online gambling was legal. I plodded on.

I went to PKR and carried on as I was with full tilt, I loved it, the animation was great, the game was easy and no one from the US there to outsmart me. Not to mention that of course every game was well timed to the UK, I felt right at home. But there wasn't enough going on, there weren't enough games for me to choose from and not enough players filling up Sit and Go's as fast as I would have liked. It took me a year but I finally conformed and listened to everyone else. 'Play on Pokerstars' they said, after 3 years, I finally listened.

This then brings me to where I am now, I have been playing on Pokerstars since some time in 2011, I haven't really improved, I play 5c/10c cash games, $1.50-$3.50 Sit and Go's and any tournament going up to a $5 with my current thing being the Sunday Storm. I got a twitter account to keep up to date with all poker happenings (@AntoniaChigurh) and have another blog of the same name. This time I am serious, I am going to start right from the beginning and use this site to my advantage and hopefully build myself a healthy bankroll not to mention fall in  love with the game all over again. I promise my next one wont be this long! So, back to 1c/2c? Naaaahhh.

Read more: 5 Years and Counting! (Toniommi) – Poker School Online: Learn Poker Strategy, Odds and Tells

Thursday, 2 January 2014

My love affair with the game.

This is going to be a very boring blog for guys just so you know. Also I will add it have very little to do with poker.

I met a man called Paul, Paul is very attractive, built, tall, well dressed. Paul is not my type at all. If I invited Paul round to my house he would not fit in with my décor. However Paul is an aerospace engineer, seems to think of himself as better than me but still seems to think I'm incredible. Strange. This same Paul I find terrifying, he has some small cut on his head from a fight, I don't associate myself with the fighting types. He also seems strangely clingy with a frightening fire in his eyes like he could snap in a second and I may end up like that beautiful girl in twilight with the claw scar across her face. Thus when he text me an hour after I left the pub this new year and then called me at 11am, I knew that I did not want to set foot outside my house again...though I will be going to the gym later, new years resolution and all.

I have a fear of attractive men. I am only attracted to one person at this moment, he just a little taller than me, wears glasses with a thin frame, a small build and wears a fleece to be sensibly dressed in these cold times. It was love at first sight. One of our managers died at work and then he came in as the replacement. So with that in mind does that make him off limits? Well, he's not my manager and assuming that everyone has a personal life, doesn't he? It just makes him hard to grab hold of so for now we can stick with our 'hellos' and 'good mornings' and maybe one day we will ask 'how are you?'

Lets make this more triangular then. Are things more interesting with more angles and sides? Well if only someone had told me sooner. I have a secret admirer I am told, though it's not so secret though I don't know if he knows that I know which is what makes it so 'secret'. He's a lovely boy, and totally my type however the fear of no conversation springs to mind. I need conversation, when I have no conversation I blog, I am home alone at the moment...blogging. So that is that on that one for now, unless I want to say 'that' again.

To conclude, as something of this size could do with a conclusion. We bring ourselves back to the beginning and why this blog existed in the first place. My love for the game, many girls can go out there, find someone, build on that and not go 'no I only want this person even if I can never have them or ever have the courage to go and speak with them'. Most will simply take what they are given. But I have poker and I don't want anyone unless their love for poker outweighs mine because then maybe they would understand if I didn't want to see them every night because they would have the same thing to do as me with their spare time. And it would be fun to play against each other and so as this as my conclusion, knowing that I have met many people in this last year, if I do finally find someone I will call my boyfriend they will be a poker player like myself.
